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B.O.N.E.S. Series

Participating in Bones-N-Balance (B-N-B) bone health classes provides a comprehensive approach, covering aspects from body balance and osteoporosis prevention to nutritional guidance, education, empowerment, and strategies for building strength and stamina.


The B-O-N-E-S series is presented in 5 parts:

Bone Balance Training
Understanding the body, the body systems, and learn techniques that reduce stress and improve body balance.

Osteoporosis Prevention
Learn tips that support building healthy and strong bones.

Nutritional Guidance
Learn natural approaches for eating to maintain stronger bones.

Education and Empowerment
Learn why bones and body awareness matter.

Strength and Stamina
Create an individualized action plan for long term better bone health.


Bone health is a cornerstone of overall well-being, crucial for maintaining mobility, preventing fractures, and supporting an active lifestyle. Strong bones are the foundation that allows us to lead active, independent lives as we age.

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